
Japan’s largest airline, Japan Airlines (JAL), is known to keep all its aircrafts up to its high hygienic standards and maintain them. It won the “COVID-19 Excellence Award” in the “World Airline Awards” hosted by SKYTRAX, was rated 5 stars in SKYTRAX’s Covid-19 Safety Rating, and was awarded the highest ranking of “Diamond” in the […]

Aside from making scrumptious food, catering businesses have to keep their kitchen maintain a high standard of hygiene. However, keeping a clean environment can sometimes be tedious and can disrupt workflow. Hygiene requirements demand many steps to be taken that cause slower production and more costs. Hence, some catering companies would try to take shortcuts […]

Still unsure whether you should ditch floor mats for ProfilGate? Here are 6 facts to help you make your decision: 1. Cleans deep into tyre treads Sure, floor mats can make your tyres look clean, but it doesn’t get rid of dirt or pebbles stuck in the tyre threads. Using mechanically active bristles, ProfilGate sweeps […]

When you are running a food production business, cross-contamination is your worst enemy. How easy is it for piece of dirt on a shoe, a stray germ on a trolley to contaminate your product? So what’s the solution? Do we take off and hand clean our shoes before entering, do we use anti-bacterial wipes on […]

Tired of wasting time? Tired of using unreliable media plates for your microorganism testing? Introducing the Easy Plate. The Easy Plate is a convenient, prepared media plate which needs absolutely NO preparation or sterilization. It’s a quick and painless alternative to media preparation, saving you time, money and reducing waste. The process is as simple […]

How can the ProfilGate Model XS help your automated guided vehicle (or AGV) needs? Well, first you have to realize that AGVs are here to stay. With a reduced error rate and greater efficiency, AGVs undoubtedly make any logistical process more productive. However, the increased adoption of such vehicles introduces another avenue for contamination. Wheels […]

The A3 Lucipac test is a top-of-the-line hygiene testing system, which detects contamination within 10 seconds. Just one swap and it detects ATP, ADP and AMP to give you the whole picture. But how exactly does it work? What do you need to do with it? Firstly, clean the equipment as normal, then we start […]

How do we know what we eat is safe? How do food producers test for harmful bacteria and contamination of their products, and is what they’re doing now enough? Current ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) testing methods are effective, but lack the refined accuracy and broad applicability of A3 (adenylate) tests.  ATP tests allow food producers to […]

As awareness regarding the spread of germs and pathogens has increased, effective hygiene procedures have become a primary focus for many companies. While hand and sole cleaning contributes to personal hygiene, humans can spread germs through a variety of methods. Notably, the wheels on trolleys and carts are carriers of not only dirt, but bacteria […]

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